Day 1: Sunday, June 17th – Traveling

This weekend I experienced the closest form of time travel, leaving Boston on Saturday, with an increase in 6 hours to our day upon arrival.


As our plane flew over the harbor that meets between the North and Baltic Sea, wind turbines could be seen both off shore and on shore.  No lack of sleep could stop the excitement and enthusiasm I had at that moment.  We are traveling to a country that is known for it’s green energy and goals set for 2025 and 2050 to improve each citizen’s standard of living through sustainability.

Our plane touched down at 6:00 AM in Copenhagen International Airport.  We walked through the terminal waiting to see the first sign of improvement to the future generations.  In my mind I imagined green materials on the walls, ceiling, and floor, with PV lining the windows, but the airport seemed to resemble that of TF Green or Bradley, somewhat out dated and resembling a 1980s charm.

We took the metro from the airport to the hostel, hopping on the M2 and changing over to the M1 at Chistianshavn.  We stopped at Bella Center, home of COP15, the UN climate change conference held in December of 2009.


Outside the Bella Center, a Vestas wind turbine stood, generating energy as its 26 meter blades turned in the wind.  The wind turbine is 75 m tall and has an estimated yearly production of 1,600,000 kilo watt hours.


My first notice of more sustainable practices came when I entered the WC, or Water Closet, at the hostel.  The toilet had two options for flushing, somewhat self-explanatory, but one for Number 1 and the other for Number 2.


According to State of Green, water consumption will increase by 30% by 2030 due to population growth and increased wealth.  The design seems simple and upon returning home I’ll investigate ways to limit my water consumption without using my aunt’s toilet method, “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.”  Something more sanitary would be to put a bottle of water and rocks in the back tank to limit water usage.

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